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Pictures from school days and reunions.
If you would like to submit pictures to be added to these pages, please use the button below to contact the webmaster.

Click on the picture to start the slide show you want to view. When first slide appears, press the
F11 key to maximize the screen. Close the window when finished viewing that slide show.

40-Year Reunion
Pictures provided by Gloyd Johnson and David Heyne
35-Year Reunion
Pictures provided by David Heyne, Pam (Pearson) Westmeyer, Chris (Gould) & Craig Beardsley, and Joyce (Kufahl) Parsons
Prior Reunions
Pictures provided by Joyce (Kufahl) Parsons and Phyllis Mar
High School
Some pictures provided by Phyllis Mar and others
Grade School
Class Pictures

(17 pics)
(We need more!)

(39 pics)

(80 pics)

(15 pics)

(22 pics)
(We need more!)

(18 pics)
(We need more!)

Click this button to e-mail the webmaster if you have pictures you would like to add;
or if you have complaints, corrections, or comments about any of the slides.
to e-mail Webmaster