Jami Ramsey
Manhattan, KS

Patricia (Randall) Ruiz
Moriarty, NM

Carol (Reed) Mudloff (deceased)

Jim Reed (deceased)

Jane (Rehschuh) Gilkinson
Plano, TX

Robert Reidenbach (deceased)
Widow: Barbara    Married: 1983
Children: Stephanie, Jackie
Grandchildren: 2

Ginny (Reling) Young
Fort Collins, CO
Children: Inga, Nicole, Danielle
2006 Biography: Recently moved to Fort Collins to pursue art career as a fine art painter. Also an independent consultant for Arbonne International, Swiss skin care, health and wellness.

Don Rempel
University City, MO

Debbie Renz
Columbia, MO

Nancy (Repp) Gorman
Manhattan, KS
Spouse: Tim (Class of '70)
Children: Kristi
Grandchildren: Chance, Cole, Camron
2005 Biography: Worked for Riley County for 25 years and now am employed at Charlson and Wilson Abstract.

Daniel Richards
Manhattan, KS
Spouse: Brenda
Children: Andrea, Jared, Lane

Donna Rimbey

Ralph Ritchie
Alma, KS
Spouse: Deb
2004 Biography: Since the last reunion, I have been divorced and remarried. I have a new job that I really like. (I am a warehouse manager now). No kids, I live close to Alma in the country and love it there. We have lots of animals as my wife is an animal lover.

Becky Roach
Champaign, IL
Spouse: Gerry Walter   Married: 1991
2005 Biography: Gerry and I have been in Champaign-Urbana for almost 14 years and still plan to escape when we retire. I teach in the department of Food Science and Human Nutrition at UIUC and he advises students and teaches as well, but in the department of Human and Community Development. Travels since the last reunion have taken one or both of us to Italy, Laos, Cambodia and Thailand - as well as to Oregon, NYC, Kansas, Iowa, Michigan and Minnesota. The newest addition to our family is a cabin at a little lake off the Vermillion River, just half an hour away. An escape from the urban (but not really...) C-U area - and far, far from the video store clerk who says "Oh, you are my nutrition teacher - are you REALLY going to eat ALL those M&Ms while you watch this DVD?"

Janet (Roark) Miller
Berryton, KS

John (Rob) Roberts
Sacramento, CA
Children: 2
2022 Biography: Still occupy my time running an organization that designs, builds and manages habitat for threatened and endangered species. This involves a lot of farming, as most typically we integrate farming into the system of preserves we design and build. I still live in Sacramento, CA, and have since 1984.
    My late wife Liz, who attended the reunion time before last, and whom many of you met, died in 2015. My daughters live in New York City and Paris. They have four daughters between them. I get home to Manhattan frequently to see family, and love doing so.
    Outside of my work life: I spend a lot of my spare time in Marin County, CA, either hiking (typically around the Marin Headlands), sailing (San Francisco Bay) or doing art stuff. Otherwise, I am home tending my considerable backyard vegetable patch (perfect growing conditions here) and doing art and writing projects. I think about growing up in Manhattan a lot, and wishing someone would prohibit winter there so that I could move back. ;-)

Terry Roberts
Manhattan, KS

Barbara Robohn
Kansas City, MO

Steve Rogers
Manhattan, KS

Kurt Romans (deceased)
Widow: Lindy
Children: Kristen Teasdale, Elizabeth Warren
Grandchildren: 2

Geoff Roof
Mobile, AL
Spouse: Michelle   Married: 1997
Children: Kyle
2005 Biography: Graduated from K-State in 1974. Joined the U.S. Navy in 1975. Returned to K-State in 1979. Went to work for Amoco Corporation (now British Petroleum) in Tulsa, Oklahoma in 1981. Married in 1985. Had a son in 1986, who starts at K-State this fall (2005). Moved to St. Louis in 1987 and started work at the U.S. Army Audit Agency. Moved back to Manhattan in 1990, still with AAA at Fort Riley. Divorced in 1991. Started with U.S. Air Force Audit Agency in 1997 at McConnell AFB in Wichita. Remarried in 1997. Currently, still plugging away at AFAA.

Dennis Roper
Jakarta, Indonesia
Spouse: Niki Sonn Roper   Married: 1986
Children: Putri Aisha Diandra
2015 Biography: Currently Country Manager for Parker Drilling Company in Jakarta, Indonesia.  I have been working for Parker since 1981 and have lived over the years in Jamaica, Indonesia, Peru, Ecuador, Argentina, Colombia as a representative of the company.  Since our marriage in 1986, my wife and I have also traveled extensively throughout Asia and Latin America.  Our daughter has graduated from Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology with a degree in Commercial Photography. We maintain a home in Jakarta and travel to the USA to visit once per year. 

Patricia (Roscoe) Catrell
Superior, CO

Ronnie Rose (deceased)

Stan Rumbaugh

Bill Rush
Sioux Falls, SD
Spouse: Karen   Married: 1973
Children: Brian, Michael, Jason
2005 Biography: I have been living and working in Sioux Falls, SD since graduating from the University of South Dakota in 1974. From 1974 to 1988 I was a CPA and partner in a regional public accounting firm. In 1988 I left that career to become a Kenworth truck dealer. We now have Kenworth and/or Volvo dealerships in Sioux Falls, SD, Sioux City, IA, Omaha,NE, and Rapid City, SD and a truck parts store in the Denver area. My 3 sons are all working in the business at this time. My favorite hobby is work, followed by collecting and working with tools. Our family has a small lake cabin 45 minutes from our home and we spend a lot of quality time there with our family and friends. We like to travel, but always love to return home. My mom continued to live in Manhattan until her death in 2003. She was our major connection to Manhattan, so we don't make it down there as often anymore.

Deana Russ
Lincoln, NE

Jerry Russell
Piedmont, KS

Penny (Ryan) Bairow
Olathe, KS

Paul Salmon
Simiane la Rotonde, France
2022 Biography: Bonjour everybody,
    I sent my bio in spring 2020, unfortunatly it seems like it got lost in the cloud or deep down somewhere in the atlantic ocean...
    I am glad to see that school class teammate 1970 still get together from time to time after such a long time.
    Sometimes I have a look at the MHS70 website. It's nice to hear or recognize on the pics some folks I had the chance to meet and very sad to learn that others has deceased.
    Unfortunatly I will not be in Manhattan at the next june reunion as it's a long way from here and a busy period for me, but let me take this opportunity to send you my warm friendship and greetings from France, to all of those I had the chance to meet, during this year 1970.

Jane Sanders

Patricia (Sanford) Banning
Scott Depot, WV

Jan Schafer

Richard Schlegel (deceased)

Connie Schmedemann
Junction City, KS
Children: Robin Lewis
2015 Biography: I work for Pawnee Mental Health in Junction City going on 9 years now, I also for the past 17 yrs. have been a foster mother and believe me I am ready to retire. I have one daughter and no grandchildren except foster children. I am grandma Connie to several. I love to go to auction and I am a collector of all. I am so excited to see everyone.

Eric Schoeff
Columbus, OH
Spouse: Kristin Jones (Class of '70)   Married: 1972
Children: David, Jonathan, Michael, Daniel, Stephen
Grandchildren: 3
2010 Biography: see Kristin (Jones) Schoeff

Marianne Schram

George Schrems
Ridgecrest, CA

Marlene (Schultes) Hendershot
Hereford, TX
Spouse: Larry (deceased)   Married: 1976
Children: Matthew, Chris, Katherine, Marshall
Grandchildren: 1
2020 Biography: After I graduated from MHS I attended Kansas State University. In 1974 I earned my Bachelors in Home Economics with an emphasis in Family and Child Development. After graduation I taught preschool in Manhattan and in 1976 Larry and I married and moved to Saint Joseph, Missouri where I also taught preschool. In 1979 we moved to Battle Creek, Michigan and in 1981 we moved to Hereford, Texas where I still reside. I became a stay at home mother to three sons and one daughter. In 1998 I dusted off my college degree and began employment with Hereford Independent School District beginning as a substitute teacher, then a paraprofessional, and finally as a classroom teacher. I taught 4th grade for two years and Head Start pre-k for 10 ½ years and retired in December 2014. Retirement is great! I currently substitute at all grade levels for the Hereford schools. My oldest son Matthew is in the Navy at Bremerton, Washington and is classified as a submarine nuclear electricians mate. He is looking forward to retirement in 2024. My second son Chris and his wife Danielle reside in Boise, Idaho. He works for the Boise Fire Department as a firefighter/paramedic and Danielle works as an investigative assistant for the state of Idaho. My daughter Katherine and my only grandchild Ayden live in Amarillo, Texas. She works for Davidson Oil Company as their payroll manager and Ayden is a 6th grader in middle school. My third son Marshall lives in Los Angeles, California and works for ICG (International Cinematographers Guild). He lived in Colorado Springs for several years but moved to California for more job opportunities in the movie industry.
    In November of 2015 my husband Larry died of colon cancer and is buried in Hutchinson, Kansas.
    I still consider myself a Kansan even though I haven’t lived in the state for 44 years. I still travel to Kansas several times a year to visit my husband’s mother and sister who both live in Wichita. Both of my parents and my sister have passed away and are buried in Sunrise Cemetery in Manhattan.
    As I look back on my 68 years of life I see so clearly that the Lord has gone ahead of me and made His path known for my life. I have learned to trust my heavenly Father and I know that I am His daughter. There is nothing better than that!

Paul Schumann
Denver, CO
Spouse: Cynthia   Married: 1972
Children: Anna Garcia, Jonathan
2005 Biography: I've changed careers way too many times. After graduating from MHS I went to K-State as a vocal music major. When I was told I would have to minor in piano I decided that with 88 keys, and only 10 fingers, I was hopelessly outnumbered. I switched my major to radio & TV production and hosted a hard rock segment at the infamous KSDB fm (the ten watt giant!).
    As with all of us, it was the last year of the draft lottery. My number came up as #19. Let's see I was 19 years old, my birthdate is on the 19th and my lottery number was 19. I knew they had me (my grades were not all that good), so I visited with several recruiters and settled on going into the Coast Guard, attending boot camp in beautiful San Francisco Bay. Just before leaving I proposed to Cynthia Stilley, and she said, "No." Actually she said she would like to be married after I finished basic, but that she was not going to get married and then have me leave for three months. Following boot camp I had six days to get back to Manhattan, get married, and get back to San Francisco for my first tour of duty.
    While part of the Coast Guard I competed as part of two military bands and led a drill team into competitions in parades. My real job was as graphic artist, designing and constructing a closed circuit tv studio and managing the pay records for two schools. In my spare time I also managed the automotive hobby shop. It was also here that my life crashed because of my excessive drinking. Cynthia and I got within two weeks of being separated because of it. That is when God came crashing into my life. The transformation was incredible and our marriage was healed in an indescribable way. The result was my leaving the military to return to college in order to become a chaplain.
    Cynthia and I attended Manhattan Christian College, and we worked at Skate Plaza to put food on the table. It was a really fun time. My estimate was that we averaged 50 miles per week on roller skates. In addition I pastored a small country church in Barnes, Ks. I finished a BA in Bible Ministries in 1980, noting that it had taken me ten years from high school graduation to complete a college degree. While here I also obtained my private pilot's license.
    Next stop was Cincinnati to obtain a M.Div in counseling, apologetics and education. While there I worked for a hardware store doing some sales, but the primary emphasis was to build a place suitable for the owner to live after marrying his bride. I did the framing, electrical, drywall, finish, painting, etc. The place was done in time for the wedding, and I graduated and moved on. Flying was still a part of my life. I belonged to a club flying out of "Sunken Lunken" airport. An interesting place where you take off heading towards a dike on the Ohio River, aiming at a water tower on the Kentucky, knowing that, at least in theory, you will have sufficient altitude to clear the water tower by the time you get that far.
    Following graduation we returned to Manhattan awaiting orders. I worked for Osborn Construction on a frame-up crew. We built the strip mall next to the Schumann Apartments by Aggieville, the strip mall next to Alco and put a second story on a home on 17th Street, just South of the K-State Campus.
    Finally orders came. Over the next nine years we would live in Oceanside, California, where our daughter was born, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where we would have a son, and Seattle, Washington. I would serve with the Marines, the Navy and the Coast Guard, traveling to Hawaii several times as well as Guam, Okinawa, Korea, Japan, The Philippines, Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand, and Scotland. As a kid, I never thought I would get out of Manhattan, and absolutely never leave the state. I'm amazed at where God has taken us.
    After leaving the military we settled in Denver where I pastored a church for ten years, worked for a friend doing sales, research and engineering technology to develop new products. Now, as the next phase of my life, I have been putting together a development company to build buildings for the government. My first bid is in the final stage of being reviewed. Our daughter was married last January 1, and our son is now a Senior in High School. Cynthia and I... we will celebrate 33 years together this July. What a fun and wild ride this has been!

Rhonda (Screen) Sharp
Junction City, KS
Spouse: Chuck   Married: 1974
Children: Chad
Grandchildren: 2

Sharon (Sedam) Fritzson
Randolph, KS
Spouse: Orlin (Orlie)   Married: 1972
Children: Mark, Shari Morrand
Grandchildren: 3
2022 BiographyRetired from K-State University. I'm into watercolor painting, taking care of my Mother, and still trying to raise Orlin. I love spending time with my family.

Charles Segraves

Kenny Selby (deceased)

John Sellens
Wichita, KS

Jean (Sexton) Reynard
Manhattan, KS
Spouse: Widowed
Children: Luke, Lane

Iris (Shaffer) Linder
Okemos, MI
Spouse: Steve   Married: 1992
Children: Eric Socolofsky
2005 Biography: I'm still practicing law for a living. I've been with the same firm for 25 years. My areas of specialty are corporate, securities, venture capital and general business.
    I had my son, Eric Socolofsky, when I was married to Tom Socolofsky. We got divorced in 1984. Eric is now living in New York City. He has a fellowship with Eyebeam, an alternative media art foundation. He is trying to become established in the world of technology driven art, and when he needs money, he does free lance interactive web design work. He is not yet married. If you want to see his work, go to
    I married Steve Linder in 1992. I have one step son, Justin Linder, who is 20, and just finished his junior year at the University of Indianapolis. He is there on a tennis scholarship. We are now officially empty nesters, as he is not coming home to live this summer.
    My current hobbies are yoga and gardening. After marrying Steve, I converted to Judaism, and am active in our synagogue.
    I have a great life, though I've had some health problems, including treatment for breast cancer a year and a half ago.

Doug Sharp
Wichita, KS
Spouse: Pauline   Married: 2004
Children: Dustin, Evan, Jandee
2015 Biography: Still managing, buying, selling ag real estate.

Doug Shilling
Manhattan, KS

Mary (Shirley) Ertl
Topeka, KS
Spouse: Ken (Class of '70)
Children: Lynn, Nicole, Andrea
Grandchildren: Joshua

John Skaggs (deceased)

Ladonna (Skidmore) Piper
St. George, KS
Spouse: Mike Day
Children: Billie Piper, Bobbie Schoshke Corwin, Brandi Hancock
Grandchildren: 3

2015 Biography: I retired in 2012 from Kansas State University after 33 years. Mike and I enjoy traveling by car, cruise ship, airplane and most of all his Harley. We attended Sturgis, South Dakota bike rally in 2014 and will attend this year staying at the Buffalo Chip, our favorite spot. We go to other bike rallies around the country and really enjoy travel on the bike.    I have three daughters and three grand children in the Kansas City area and all their sports activities. So far baseball, basketball and granddaughter in cheerleading.

Bruce Slater (deceased)

Rene Smalldridge
Manhattan, KS

James Smith

Janet (Smith) Wilson
Manhattan, KS

Kelly Snyder
Manhattan, KS

Tom Socolofsky
Warren, MI
Spouse: Annamarie De Bella   Married: 2002
Children: Eric

Rebecca (Soldan) Knight
Fairbanks, AK

Linda Sommers

Bryan Sorensen

Penny (Sowell) Fouraker (deceased)

Lee Spain

Joy (Springer) Burgess
Manhattan, KS
Spouse: Divorced

Sherryl Stanke (deceased)

Jean Steiner
Manhattan, KS

Barbara (Stephenson) Burt
Hanson, MA
Spouse: Robert   Married: 1971
Children: Robert, Tanya, Stephanie
Grandchildren: 10

Jeanie Stevens

Peter Stewart

Teri Storer

Connie (Stowe) Dulohery
Arkansas City, KS
Spouse: Scott   Married: 2003
Children: Misty McWilliams Cunningham Kramer, Jeremy McWilliams
2020 Biography: I am the oldest of the eight Stowes, children of Elwayne Chris (Bill) and Audrey May Stowe. All eight of us children graduated from Manhattan High School.
    I presently live on A farmlet just north of Arkansas City, KS, where we keep sheep, for mowing purposes; a chicken for a daily farm-fresh egg; and a farm cat to keep the mice population under control. I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, in private practice out of my office in our 110 year-old limestone house. I have been a social worker, working in 23 Kansas counties over the past 32 years, specializing in Family, Alcohol/Drugs/Other Addictions and Mental Health assessment and counseling (using an eclectic directive approach). I am the mother of two adult married children: Misty McWilliams Cunningham Kramer, a specialist in the Arkansas City School District; and Jeremy McWilliams, an actor, waiter and computer programmer in San Francisco, CA. I have two grandchildren: Gabriel Kramer, age 6; and Lee Lynn Dulohery, age 1. I converted to Catholicism in 1995.

Mary Ann (Strain) Pierce
Wyoming, RI

Connie (Strifler) Poston
Manhattan, KS
Spouse: Leigh (Class of '70)(deceased)   Married: 1971
Children: Tonya Woods
Grandchildren: 3
2005 Biography: Leigh and I (as most of you know) are classmates that married and we are still married after 34 years. We still live in Manhattan and are fortunate to have our only child also live here in Manhattan. Our daughter Tonya married Denny Woods. Together they own and work hard at running Manhattan Country Club Pro Shop. Denny is the Head Golf Pro there, which has been great since all of us are a golfing family. I had to give up golfing after a wrist surgery in 1993, but still go along to take pictures. I have worked the last 18 years at Manhattan Technical College (what most of us knew as the Vo-Tech School) in the business office. Many changes are going on there but hope to survive till I can retire. Leigh is part owner/President of Manhattan Trenching, which has been a lot of long hours and hard work but still loves what he is doing. We both have lost close family members over the years, but have his mother close by. It's been kinda hard for me not to have parents and grandparents around, so we both have made the most of enjoying our three grandkids. It's been kinda of special for myself to have gone to Woodrow Wilson grade school, my daughter went to Woodrow and now my grandchildren are going to Woodrow... not too bad for Manhattan roots. Our granddaughter Michelle is 11 and enjoying golf, swimming and basketball (of course she is already taller than me). Our twin grandsons David and Scott are 9- also enjoy golf, soccer, and baseball... so many activities for all three of them, hard to keep up.
    I had the joy of taking granddaughter Michelle to Washington DC in 2003 for a week to take in all the sites. That was an experience. We both got so much from the trip. Besides work, family, work, family and maybe grandkids activities... I do enjoy my digital camera and do lots of photos with everything. I print my own photo albums, burn CD slideshows, make calendars, etc. etc. etc. Been lots of fun for me.

Mark Swegle

Barbara (Swenson) Weidner
Topeka, KS
Spouse: Woody
  Married: 2010
Children: Josh Logan
2020 Biography: 50 years! Wow, it doesn't seem possible! After MHS, I headed to KSTC (now ESU) for my elementary education degree. I spent 40 years teaching Kindergarten, first, and second grades - loved working with the younger kids! Since retiring in 2014, I have enjoyed being less scheduled and having time for yoga, walks, visits with friends and family, and traveling. My husband, Woody, and I try to take a trip to a new location each year, while still making it to our favorite places in Arizona and Colorado. My son, Josh, has lived in Phoenix for over 20 years, which means he has been an Arizonan longer than he was a Kansan! I have a grandson living in the Seattle area, giving us many more options for traveling the western USA! Woody and I also enjoy working on our house and yard, though it is starting to feel like it takes more work than it used to! We just aren't ready to downsize yet!
    Since I haven't been to a reunion for 20 years, I am really looking forward to seeing a lot of people at this one!


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