JoAn (Tague) Rauckman
Topeka, KS
Spouse: Bob   Married: 1974
Children: Cherie, Kristy

Linnea Taylor
Ventura, CA
Spouse: Michael Johnston
Children: Summer Carrick, Micah Carrick, Ryland
2005 Biography: Hi Everyone!
    In '70 I attended Westmont College in Santa Barbara for three years, and then transferred to UCSB to finish my BA in Sociology. I was able to study for a semester in Europe and Israel, which helped me get the English units that I would--20 years later--need for my high school English teaching credential. My first year of teaching was in 1999, and I attended Azusa Pacific U. for MA in Education. I now teach in one of the most challenging high school districts in So. Cal. (Somewhat easier than LA Unified!) Aside from my family, teaching has become a joyous obsession.
    But the preceding was my second life. My first consisted mainly of raising Summer and Micah in Palm Springs, Thousand Oaks, and Ventura. Their now-deceased father and I worked and invested in (mainly) the restaurant business. My current husband and I live in Ventura...loving the opportunity of doing the parent-thing all over again with Ryland. Aside from that and our work, we stay active in Ventura County's poverty and injustice issues through the district and our church.
    Sorry I couldn't come to the reunion!

Michael Teague
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL

Patricia (Thompson) Sweet
Topeka, KS

Sarah (Thorson) Preston
Goddard, KS

Mike Toepffer
Manhattan, KS
2010 Biography: Life for me has really changed since our last reunion. On April 1, 2003 I retired after 31 years of service to the Manhattan community with the Riley County Police Department. I thought retirement would mean lots of free time and I was totally wrong. Since the last reunion I opened my own antique business (Little Apple Antiques, 339 Colorado) in August of 2000. In 2007 the City of Manhattan decided to build a convention center on land my business was located so I was forced out of business. Having sold all my business property I took about a year off and just enjoyed not working. It was nice for a while but then I became bored so I went back to work and presently work for Dara's Fast Lane Corporation. I have remained active with the Fraternal Order of Police, and am on the local executive board as State Trustee. Just this last week I was also elected as 2nd Vice President to the Kansas State FOP. As a statewide 2nd VP I will be doing some traveling thoughout Kansas as well as attending other national functions all over the country. I also help a friend who is fighting cancer and as you see I keep very busy.

Gary Toliver
Columbia, MO
Spouse: Carol   Married: 1985
Children: Victoria McWhorter, Kyrstin Anderson, Laurie Burns, Sara Sidwell, Maureen Boswell, Stephanie Stevens
Grandchildren: 7
2008 Biography: Graduated from Kansas State. Worked for a life and health insurance company in Kansas City out of college. Took a job as Chief Financial Officer for the hospital in Rolla, Missouri, and then accepted my current position with the state's hospital association in Jefferson City. I've been married to my better half, Carol, for nearly a quarter century. Together we have six beautiful daughters and five wonderful grandchildren (so far). Own my own LearJet, still like John Wayne movies, never wear a belt, and answer to just about anything. Lie some, too.
    Still have unresolved crushes on V**** K****** and C**** G****! Missed opportunities... (sigh)

Cynthia Trent
Fresno, CA
2005 Biography: After managing a distance degree completion program at K-State for 20 years, I moved to Fresno, CA in 2003 for a new job--Director of Distance Education at San Joaquin Valley College. I've barely begun to explore California, but I love the coast and the ocean. A favorite hobby is touring wine country and the vineyards. I live very near Sequoia National Forest and Yosemite National Park, so if you come see me, I'll give you a tour and a glass of good California wine. I miss fishing at Tuttle Creek in Manhattan, and haven't caught a single fish yet in California. Recently, I learned how to fuse glass and am converting my garage into a glass studio. I love scuba and swimming and enjoy my new salt pool about 8 months out of the year. I just returned from a week in Florence and Venice, Italy--my first trip to Europe since 1972. Yikes, that was 33 years ago!

Steve Trotter (deceased)

Vivian Tsen

Charles Tucker (deceased)

Debra (Tucker) Albair
Manchester, MO
Spouse: William B.
Children: Kristen, Stephanie
2010 Biography: WOW! 40 years?!! Well, after HS graduation, I attended K-State for 2 yrs, then applied to UMKC to finish my bachelor's degree in Dental Hygiene at the dental school. I met my future husband, Bill there. We got married after I graduated in '74. He had 1 more year of dental school to finish. We moved to St. Louis (his home) in '75. I worked as a hygienist for a large group; Bill started his own general practice. We had our 1st baby-Kristen- in '78. I quit working to stay home with her. A few months after she was born, Bill decided to go back to graduate school at UMKC for a specialty degree in Periodontics. So we moved back to KC for 2 yrs. Lots of fun those 2 yrs! Then back to St. Louis in '81 to start another practice. I was pregnant with Stephanie, who was born later that year. I eventually went back to work 1-2 days a week for the next 25+ years-in Bill's practice. I was a Girl Scout leader (thanks Mrs. Rehschuh!), room mother, softball coach,volleyball coach, gymnastics team & golf team chauffer, until both our girls left home for Mizzou.
    Kristen lives in San Diego & works for Anheuser-Busch. Stephanie is a physical therapist & lives with her husband, Scott Miller, and 18 mo old daughter Madeline in Denver. Becoming a grandparent is LIFE ALTERING! I know we've been to Denver at least 15 times in those 18 months.
    I finally gave up dental hygiene Nov. '09. My hands just wore out. Bill sold his practice 5 yrs ago, but transitioned into career #2. He is a Registered Investment Advisor with a small independent firm. He works "electronically" alot of the time- from home, Denver, SanDiego, or where ever. So we have lots of freedom to go,go,go. We are hikers, into cycling,golf, wine t asting & travel. We loved our condo in Keystone, Co from 2001-2008, but sold at a good time. I still miss it, but we still go to the mountailns alot.
    My parents are doing well, but left Manhattan in '76. They live in Hutchinson, so I never get back to Manhattan. There were lots of good friends & good times in Manhattan. Sorry I'll miss the reunion. Please e-mail or call me - all you old friends. Be Healthy, Safe & Happy.

Vicky Umscheid
Mary Esther, FL
2010 Biography: I graduated from KSU after high school with a degree in Education. Stayed in Manhattan for several years working for the state of Kansas and then started working at Ft. Riley as an auditor. After two years I moved with the Army to Germany where I stayed for 11 years before moving to Okinawa, Japan. Lived and worked there for 2 years before returning to Germany for another two years. All the time overseas I traveled, going to places such as Thailand, Bahrain, Greece, England, France, China, Russia, Holland, Norway, Denmark, and numerous other countries. In 2002 I returned the the United States and now live in Fort Walton Beach, Florida and work at Eglin AFB. I hope to retire in the next two years. I like going to the beach, boating and going on the jet ski. Would like to travel more when I retire./p>

Brad Vancura
Merriam, KS

Brian Vazquez
Topeka, KS

Jim Vinson

Karen (Wagner) Ryan
Clay Center, KS

Michaelene Wallace

Gwenda (Wanamaker) Adams (deceased)

Robert Ward
Oklahoma City, OK
  Married: 1977
Children: Jennifer, Andrew, Christina
Grandchildren: 14
2022 Biography: I graduated from Kansas State University with a B.S. degree in Food Science with a Business Option in 1974. The next 43 years I worked in supervision at several Dairy Processing Plants. I was Plant Manager for Braums Ice Cream and Dairy Stores in Oklahoma City, for the last 25 years of my working career, and retired in 2017.
    I met my wife Ann in 1976, and we have been married for 45 years. Ann and I have 3 children, Jennifer, Drew, and Christina. Jennifer is a Chemical Engineer working for Hallmark Corporation. Drew is a Partner with Ernst & Young LLP. Christina is the Marketing Manager for a Software Company. Our 3 children have blessed us with 14 grandchildren. We enjoy travel, cruising, and of course spending time with our children and their families.

Ted Webb
Oklahoma City, OK

Gunny Wedekind
Corinth, TX
Spouse: Theresa   Married: 1981
Children: Teri Lovelace, Christy Droge, Jennifer Collins, T.J. Droge, Cassandra
2022 Biography: After graduation I went to work for Southwestern Bell Telephone Company/ AT&T and held numerous positions in Manhattan, Topeka and later in Dallas, TX. I retired after 42 years in December 2012. While located in Topeka, I was able to complete my BBA at Washburn University and met and married Theresa DaPrato Droge. Following my retirement, Theresa and I bought a home on Lake Fork TX where we have lived until recently, when we moved to the Norman Oklahoma area to be nearer children and grandchildren. We have 17 children/step children/grandchildren. My interest include golf, woodworking, travel and attending grand kids sporting events.

Debbie (Weisner) Holle
Children: Dustin, Lance, Aaron, Amanda
Grandchildren: 7

JoAnn (Wells) Nunnink
Shawnee Mission, KS

Rex Westmeyer
Manhattan, KS
Spouse: Pam Pearson (Class of '70)   Married: 1978
Children: Ashley
Latest Bio update: See Pam (Pearson) Westmeyer

Twila (Weyerts) Schneiders
Salina, KS
Spouse: Dick   Married: 1973

Mary (Wheat) Lehoczky
Leawood, KS
Spouse: John   Married: 1988
Children: Jay, Lucy
2008 Biography: Back in Kansas after 2 1/2 years in beautiful Michigan.
2005 Biography: Five years from our last get-together, the main changes in our lives are additional age (that’s our objective) and a big address change (not quite what we had in mind). In August 2004, my husband, John, accepted a right-up-his-alley job with Honeywell, which unfortunately is located in the northern Detroit suburbs. And so we moved to Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. If you have to move, this is a lovely place, and the relocation has gone smoothly. However, we miss Kansas. Of course, when we say that here, folks look at us like we’ve got the scarecrow’s brain -- Michigan is a gorgeous state with enjoyable summers, lots of lakes, and not much more than 60 inches of snow last winter. Both Lucy, 12, and Jay, 14, adjusted fabulously to the move, so that’s a relief. The adjustment has been a bit slower for me, but it’s getting much better. Can you believe this is my 7th trip to Kansas since the move?!

Nancy Whitaker
Prairie Village, KS

Bonnie (White) Peck
Littleton, CO
Spouse: Jimmie   Married: 1981
Children: Jennifer, Lucy
2005 Biography: I married Jimmie Peck December of 1981. We have two children Jennifer, 23 years and Lee, 20 years. Moved to Denver, Co. in 1984 as there was a better job market. I have worked for Arapahoe County Dept. of Human Services, in Finance since 1986. My husband is currently working for Swift, driving a truck over the road.

Stan Whitley
Topeka, KS

Marlin Whitney

Mike Whitney
Round Rock, TX
Spouse: Susan   Married: 1980
Children: Dena Seelen, Kristen Scott, Amanda Butts
Grandchildren: 6

Frankie (Wilkins) Gould
Livonia, LA
Spouse: Randy   Married: 1972
2005 Biography: I have been married to Randy Gould (MHS class of '69) for 33 years. We have lived in Louisiana for more than 20 years, moving from a nine year stay in Nebraska, where I went to graduate school. No, it didn't take me that long to get through school---I also taught art at several colleges. We love living in the South, the food and culture is outstanding. We don't miss the cold and snow, but we do have to deal with hurricanes and large mosquitoes. Randy and I are both on the Louisiana State University faculty. Randy is a research specialist with the Department of Physics and Astronomy's electronic development group. His involvement in research projects has taken him around the world. I always say that I travel more but he wins the prize for traveling the farthest. He just got back from his second trip to Japan working on a detection unit for neutrinos in a cave. In November, he will go on his third trip to Antarctica working on a detection unit for cosmic rays. I am a professor with the LSU AgCenter communications and public relations department. For the last three years, I have been the director of the department. Our department consists of 27 faculty, staff and student workers. Our mission is to educate the citizens of Louisiana through the use of research-based information generated by the LSU AgCenter. This task is accomplished using a variety of media including publications, print, exhibits, events, video, radio and the Web. We just initiated a new content management system (CMS) Web site -- take a look --
    Randy and I live on a ranchette in beautiful Pointe Coupee parish (county) on Bayou Fordoche with our two English Mastiff dogs, two large horses and three cats. Randy spends a lot of time in his compound which houses his six motorcycles (only 2 run), a boat and a lot of tools.
    We spend a lot of time taking care of the ranchette, there is a lot of flora and fauna, and something is blooming every month of the year. We enjoy riding motorcycles and horses, lounging in our pool and offshore fishing when the opportunity arises.
    Art is my background and still my passion. I try producing a series of paintings, drawings, prints or sculpture on a regular basis. Two galleries represent my work in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
    As the Cajuns say to 'pass a good time' come to Louisiana.
    Laissez Le Bon Temp Roule and Geaux Tigers!

Brad Wille
Manhattan, KS
Spouse: Teresa   Married: 2004
Children: Michael, Amber, Matthew, Anna, Jonathan
2008 Biography: Returning to Manhattan seemed like a long journey. After high school I went to McPherson College where I received my degree in Physical Education and a minor in English. While at McPherson I did get the opportunity to play some football. After college I stepped into my first teaching and coaching position; full of excitement, full of energy, but not full of knowledge.
    My effort to gain that knowledge and to become not only a better coach but better educator took me to several school districts in the state of Kansas. The school district I was in prior to Manhattan, (Coffeyville, KS), provided a tremendous opportunity for me to learn and to grow, but after six years I left with my family. My first wife passed away an opportunity opened for me to teach at Manhattan High School. I brought my four children with me and we began our efforts here. My oldest son became an alum of Manhattan High and he even provided a degree of pride when one day after football practice he proudly displayed the "hitter's jersey" he had earned. He is now playing football at Highland Community College and hopefully he will be able to settle into a good college and establish a quality degree for himself.
    My oldest daughter will be a senior in the 2008-2009 school year and she has tremendous dreams and aspirations to enter a singing/acting career. She does know how to set up the drama, so I do believe that she will be very successful.
    My set of twins will be freshmen soon and will they ever enjoy the high school environment.
    In the summer of 2004 I did remarry a wonderful lady and as life runs its unique twists, we have a remarkable young boy that will no doubt be an ornery character. I just hope that the instructors will be able to handle him.
    When I came to Manhattan High the administration presented me with the opportunity to solidify the Driver Education program. Since 2000 I have been the supervisor of the Driver Education program at Manhattan High and we have seen some tremendous developments. The progress of the program is due in a large part to the tremendous professionalism that our driving instructors have. I am so proud to be a part of that.
    In the spring of 2004 I began to help with the track program, and then in the fall of 2005 I began to assist with the football program. I am an assistant on the Freshmen team. I have been a head coach and a varsity assistant coach in several other schools, but none of those can compare to the honor of being an assistant coach on the Freshmen level at Manhattan High School. It is truly amazing to see how other teams actually begin a degree of concern when they know it is time to play Manhattan High. We coach it very simple... MANHATTAN HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL. Hard-nosed and rough. I really enjoy the process we go through because we are able to develop young men to CARRY the Manhattan High School tradition. We all know what that tradition is and how hard you have to work to keep it going.
    My children have had the opportunity to be a part of that tradition and next year I will get the chance to coach my son to be a true Manhattan High School Indian.
    Am I proud of Manhattan High and its tradition...without a doubt.

Fred Williams (deceased)

Dean Wilson (deceased)

Kirk Wilson
Manhattan, KS

Stan Wilson
Manhattan, KS
2005 Biography: I have lived in Kansas City, Cedar Rapids, Iowa and Atlanta (besides Manhattan). I have done Martial Arts and Electronics (and write). I never got married. At the time of this writing my mother is still alive and I have two brothers. I have two roommates, one a boxer (dog) with an attitude problem. I am on the boards for Pawnee Mental Health and Morningstar (consumer rights organization).

Steve Wilson
Fairway, KS
Spouse: Lyn   Married: 1987
Children: Katrina, Alex, Amy
2010 Biography: I'm STILL ALIVE! Physically ok,, so. I think I have finally recovered from the 60's, 70's & 80's 90's the first decade of the 2000’s oh what the hell. Lyn and I still have 3 kids and we are still flaming Liberals, Conservative Liberals, GDI's (God Damn Independents)...whatever. My still foxy wife, Lyn, after 10 years of being self-employed, is still a Parochial School Nurse for the past 15 years. I, after 20 years of being self-employed, am still self-employed, just without any damn employees. I lease space at a neighborhood salon 5 minutes from home. I feel like I'm semi-retired, it's great. We still live in a 1930's English Tudor that I purchased back in 1978. Our kids are the youngest of all our friend's kids. It's kept us young. I haven't yet and never will grow-up. Our oldest daughter, Katrina, is getting a degree in Graphic Design. She will be finishing up in December of 2011. She’s also taking advanced Photography classes. Alex will be graduating from High School in May. He’ll go to Johnson County Community College and get his core classes out of the way then finish up at K-State. Amy, our wild child (like her mother), will be a Senior in High School this Fall. She still wants to teach. She’ll go to K-State also. As you can tell we have our kids pretty much brain-washed on K-State. It’s been awhile since we’ve been to our favorite log cabin at Rockey River in Gunnison near Crested Butte, Colorado. We really enjoyed fly-fishing, hiking, biking and a little white-water rafting. It was 17 years that we went to the same place. Nothing like getting drunk, getting naked and putting on the waders to do a little fishing. We’ll go back after we finish buying cars, the kids get out of college, etc., hopefully sooner. I really look forward to this reunion every 5 years. It's a lot of fun. Look forward to seeing you all.

Beth (Winter) Richey (deceased)

Ronald Witt

Darrell Woelhoff (deceased)

Becky Woodman
Byfield, MA
Children: James Cassel III, Anna Cassel
2005 Biography: Hard to believe that 35 years ago, we all graduated.........I still have my picture graduating in a wheelchair (remember my fall out of a window and cutting my heels off.......ouch!!...) Anyway, everything healed, and all is better....I even passed an Army Physical 4 years later.
    So since then......what is it I haven't done. Let's say I ended up taking "many roads" less traveled. I didn't finish college...was way to unsettled for any of that, so I ended up singing with a rock group and traveling Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, and Milwaukee.......(yes - we kind of jumped!!). When that came to an end, I joined the Army - and ended up in Europe as an entertainer in the Army. We were the main entertainment for the Bicentennial stuff back in 1975. I met my first husband over there, got pregnant within the first week of being married... and delivered a huge baby boy in October of that same year. We both ETS'd out in 1976 to move to Boston, MA.
    Never in my wildest dreams did I EVER expect to end up in Boston - or the East Coast. But, I'm glad I did. About 3 and a half years after my son's birth, I gave birth to a daughter in the spring of 1980. She was a home birth with the midwife......and everything else that went with that.
    That marriage ended in 1985.......only for a second marriage to come about in 1991. This time I went really radical and got married on a hard rock radio station in Boston. (yes.....I really did do that!) That marriage ended in 1996 about a month before my mother passed away.
    So here we are now 9 years later. I am happily single, have a bookkeeping service on the North Shore of Massachusetts, and have a number of very close friends who have become my family.
    Both of my kids have graduated from college, my daughter is pursuing her Ph.D. in Psychology, and my son is using his art degree as a carpenter. Both are doing extremely well.
    While I love my work, I also practice belly-dancing, am a Reiki practitioner, and I adopt kids from time to time to practice being a grandmother.
    I would love to hear from you. If you find yourself in this area, please give me a call.

Debbie (Wray) Davis
Wamego, KS
Spouse: Phil   Married: 1998
Children: Dale Whitt, Marc Whitt, Bobbie Kramm, Marc Goss
Grandchildren: 5
2005 Biography: I wasn't going to write anything because my life has not been very exciting, but Stuart guilted me into it since I have enjoyed reading everyone else's information so much.
    I've been married 3 times. I have been divorced once and had the second one annulled. I think this marriage will be my last one.
    Phil and I live about half way between St. George and Wamego. We have 2 hunting dogs and 12 cats. No, we are not crazy people! A stray cat had 2 litters of kittens under our deck and now her kittens are having kittens. (Has a cat birth control pill been invented?)
    I had one child; Marc is 34. He lives in Tucson. I have several stepchildren and grandchildren who live in the Manhattan area that I enjoy spoiling.
    Saturday mornings you can find me at a garage sale. During the week I go to thrifts shops to look for hidden treasures.
    I have worked for KSU since 1974. The first 8 years were with Facilities; the last 23 years have been with Dining Services. I am eligible to retire in 3 years, but I think I'll continue working unless/until someone ticks me off so bad that I quit. (Cat food can be expensive!) I think that if/when I retire, I'll become a lunch room lady at one of the Wamego grade schools. I am probably over qualified for that position due to my experience at Derby Dining Center, but it's a goal I will aim for.

Tom Yeager
Manhattan, KS

Kathryn (Yonning) Richardson (deceased)

David Zerfas
Manhattan, KS
Spouse: Kim
Children: Karl
2005 Biography:    ....... and then I invented "post-its"
but seriously folks we live on a hill near Sedalia Church with plenty of elbow room. Kim works at KSU Foundation, I toil at Hawley Printing (in the digitized world of printing I am possibly the last real "stripper".)
    I am still "gigging". My solo work is done under the guise of "zerf-songs and stories of the wild Kansas frontier", which is nothing short of an amazing version of personal continuing education and indulgence of childhood fantasy. I also play with other unrepentant musicians, feeding-back in our home-studios.
    Karl is ten and now I find myself as head coach of his baseball team, a sport which humiliated me daily as a youth. Now I help prepare these youngsters for a life of disappointment and "striking-out".


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